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Anita Cohen

Anita Cohen

Anita is a partner of the Business Advisory division at Nexia Australia – Sydney Office and has over 20 years’ experience.
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Professional experience

Anita has worked in business advisory for over 20 years, during which time she has dedicated herself to using her expertise in the mechanics of good financial and business management to provide her clients with advice to significantly improve their business.

She has worked with Family Office Clients and Family Businesses throughout her career and her experience working with these clients has imbued her with a robust understanding of the unique issues they face, as well as the knowledge to help them succeed.

Driven by her determination to help clients achieve their goals, Anita aims to deliver tailored, practical solutions which make a genuine difference to her client’s success. By listening and engaging with clients at an individual level she builds solid long-term relationships that help her to deliver bespoke advice to ensure their tax and commercial outcomes are optimised.

Anita is also passionate about Women in Business and is an advocate of both Women Entrepreneurs and Professional Women looking for a supportive and collaborative community in which to grow.


Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia 
& New Zealand
Bachelor of Financial Administration
Diploma of  Financial Planning
Graduate Diploma in Management
Accredited Adviser (Family Business Australia)


  • Business Mechanics
  • Family Office
  • Family Business
  • Taxation Advisory
  • Taxation Consulting

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