Nexia Sydney
Based in Sydney's CBD with 29 partners and over 200 staff, our Sydney office offers a full service accounting solution with experienced partners and an enthusiastic team.
Level 22, 2 Market Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
p +61 2 9251 4600
Get in Touch
Nexia Sydney combines great people with great clients, aspiring to be a great firm. Speak with us about how we can help you achieve your goals.
Level 22, 2 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box Q776, QVB NSW 1230
phone +61 2 9251 4600
fax +61 2 9251 7138
email [email protected]
Local events
Retirement Planning Webinar
This webinar will equip you with the insights to build a robust plan that aligns with your lifestyle aspirations and financial goals.
Is your legal structure still suitable for your business?
The first step in successfully restructuring your business is knowing what is possible.
Local Contacts
Nexia Sydney refers to Nexia Sydney Group Pty Ltd (ABN 73 001 421 594), its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Many of these entities are corporations and not partnerships. ‘Partners’ in those corporations are shareholders and directors.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
For more information, visit our legal page here.