• Webinar recording

Keep up to date with the latest local and international developments affecting financial reporting.

Nexia Australia invites you and your colleagues to watch our recently recorded live webinar hosted on Thursday 23 May 2024, as our financial reporting specialists explore:

  • The key accounting standards and financial reporting changes for 30 June 2024;
  • How recent changes will affect the classification of loans with annual review clauses, covenants, and other conditions;
  • Legislative changes affecting companies, registered charities, and other For Purpose (Not-for-profit) entities;
  • How companies will be affected by the sustainability and climate-related disclosure projects; and
  • Developments in Australian and international financial reporting projects.

Who should watch this webinar?

This webinar recording is recommended for Chief Financial Officers, Financial Controllers, and Finance Managers.



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Nexia Australia Advisory Pty Ltd is a member of the Nexia Australia Pty Ltd Umbrella Group. Nexia Australia Pty Ltd is a member of Nexia International, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. For more information, please visit www.nexia.com.au/legal. Neither Nexia International nor Nexia Australia Pty Ltd provide services to clients.

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