Stewart Watts

Director, Business Advisory

Adelaide, SA

Contact details
+61 8 8139 1265

About Stewart

Stewart is a Director in Nexia Edwards Marshall’s Business Consulting and Taxation divisions.

Stewart provides business consulting and taxation services to a diverse portfolio of clients, predominantly working with well-respected South Australian businesses. His specialisations include international tax, government grants and those in the hospitality industry. He’s also now a Director of Ronald McDonald House Charities – South Australia.


Irrespective of the stage a business is at, from initial start-up through to winding up and succession, Stewart has the expertise to provide valuable and reliable support. When establishing a new business, he ensures the most flexible and tax effective structures are in place.

At an operational level, Stewart assists his clients to increase efficiencies through timely financial reporting, budgeting, cash flow analysis and monthly management reporting, including key performance indicators. At the end of a business’s lifecycle, he can assist clients to develop a detailed succession plan to ensure an appropriate exit strategy is in place.


  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of South Australia

Areas of expertise

Inbound expansion

Goods and services tax (GST)

Fringe benefits tax (FBT)

Controlled foreign companies (CFC)

Tax planning

Professionals and high-net-worth individuals

Tax planning

Strategic advice and business planning


Personal advice

Business growth

Estate planning and wealth management

Wealth management for UK and Australian expats

Outbound expansion

Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting

Income tax advice

Drawing funds from your company or trust

Estate planning, retirement planning and aged care

Business restructure

Financial planning and advice

Payroll and salary tax calculations

Transfer pricing

Raising capital

Buying, managing, or selling property


Corporate transactions, valuations and strategy

Discretionary trusts

Expat services

Thin capitalisation

ATO dispute resolution

Wealth management for business

Withholding taxes

Corporate tax compliance

Trusts: anti-avoidance rule anyone could breach

Business restructure

Global services

Tax residency

Salary packaging and FBT

Business growth

Tax treaties

Fringe benefits tax (FBT)

Goods and services tax (GST) advice

Sector expertise

Aged care and retirement living

Education and training

Agriculture and rural business

Financial and insurance services

Real estate and construction

Wholesale and manufacturers